We've learned about the jojoba based Removal Oil, but what do we know about Repairing Salve? Repairing Salve uses all natural ingredients to ease and prevent skin irritation in between our TransTape applications. It's not necessarily mandatory, but your skin will love you for it.
Hello, my lovely people!
And goodbye to any haters.
I hope you're ready to learn a little bit more about another product that TransTape offers, because today we are covering the official TransTape Repairing Salve!
For those of you who came for a quick crash course, let me help you out.
TransTape's Repairing Salve is specifically formulated, with natural ingredients, for healing and repairing your skin after application and removal. It's not necessarily required but myself and many others highly recommend it if you use TransTape regularly.
Still have a few questions?
I still have some answers.
But first, for our new readers, let's have a quick recap about TransTape.
If you're familiar with TransTape and are just looking for more information on the repairing salve, feel free to jump to the next section!
I promise it won't hurt my feelings.

In 2017, TransTape was born.
In Maine to be specific.
At the young age of 35, Kaiyote began his journey as a transgender man.
Like a lot of us, he started off using a binder to bind his chest.
And also like a lot of us, he wasn't exactly thrilled with how it felt wearing one.
Between tight compression, overheating and all around restricted movement, he knew there had to be a better way.
In the beginning, he experimented with kinetic tape but after realizing the tape was too narrow, he set out to find other companies that offered wider tapes in different tones.
After a year of life changing applications, Kaiyote knew it was time to share this discovery with the community and along came TransTape.

TransTape is made from a blend of 95% cotton and 5% spandex.
With a touch of pet hair in this photo.
The adhesive used is a non-medicated, hypoallergenic, medical-grade acrylic adhesive and is latex-free.
Say that 5 times fast.
TransTape is a backless, strapless, gender affirming body transformation system that is for everyone!
You can use TransTape in place of binders, bras, gaffes and other self-affirming products.
Unlike products like binders where you're limited to how many hours you can wear it, TransTape lets you feel free in your skin for multiple days.
Safely, too! TransTape is compression free and can be a great alternative to people who have conditions like asthma, which may make it difficult to wear products like binders.
TransTape doesn't just offer a body transformation system, they offer the necessary skin care to help keep your skin happy and healthy.
Removal Oil and Repairing Salve are both made from all natural ingredients with both antibacterial and healing properties.
And they even use really nice essential oils in the salve that give a calming and peaceful scent, helping heal the mind alongside your skin.
We're going to talk about the healing salve in just a moment, so let's just go over the removal oil really quick.
The official TransTape Removal Oil is 100% Jojoba oil.

Jojoba oil is absolutely incredible and I will take every opportunity to tell people to add it to their daily skin routine.
It's naturally healing, absorbs perfectly into our skin, regulates natural oil production and must I go on? It keeps our skin hydrated and healthy and you should add it to your routine today.
So when you go to use it for tape removal, don't be shy.
The removal oil helps break the bond between your skin and tape, so be sure to cover your entire application and let it soak for up to 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, the adhesive may start to break away from the tape and stick back to your skin. So if your tape still isn't budging after 5 minutes, add more oil to the tape, and your hands, then very gently start to peel it up from the corners. Rub oil in as you go and take your time!
I think that about sums it up for the most part.
Now lets really dig into the healing salve.
Why Healing Salve?
I mentioned before that healing salve isn't necessarily required.
I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
But then, if it's not required, why should I use it?
Because I said so.
Not actually, but there are way more benefits to using it than there are to not using it.

For starters, your skin will thank you.
If you're anything like me and use TransTape almost daily, your skin probably needs the extra tender, loving care.
Our skin is the largest organ in the body so we should probably take care of it, right?
When we're taping up and using an adhesive on our skin all the time, it's pretty natural for it to become a little bit dry or irritated from time to time.
Especially right after removal.
Assuming you're removing your tape properly, with lots of the recommended removal oil, your skin may still have a little bit of redness.
Not abnormal at all!
Depending on how slow I take my removal, I still get a little bit of redness even after years of using TransTape. When that happens, I slather on some salve and I'm good to go the next day!
In some cases of improper or overstretched applications, or even an improper or dry removal, more severe irritated skin or even open blisters could develop.
If you do develop open blisters from your TransTape, do not apply the repairing salve until there is a layer of skin protecting the blister. Use only unscented soap and water to clean in this case! Before applying TransTape again, make sure you are completely healed up and consider reaching out to the live help chat on the website for application assistance!
Applying the TransTape healing salve to your skin in between applications promotes hydrated skin, healthy skin regeneration and even improved skin elasticity.
Combine some healing salve with the jojoba oil in the TransTape removal oil and your skin will basically be invincible!
What Are The Ingredients?
You guys always ask such great questions.
The Official TransTape Healing Salve is made up of organic coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax and infused with monarda, cedarwood and frankincense essential oils.
It's petroleum-free too! Although there are benefits of using petroleum for some things like cosmetics, when it comes to skin care it can cause dry, irritated skin and block your skin from naturally producing its own oil to stay hydrated.
Healing salve absorbs quickly, without blocking or clogging your pores, and helps soothe irritated skin while helping prevent future irritation with its natural healing properties.
It is designed to aid even the most sensitive skin and doesn't even leave behind a gross, greasy residue after you apply it.
Smells great too.
Other Uses
Although it was specifically formulated to help rejuvenate our skin after using TransTape, the road doesn't end there.
Sticky Residue Removal
This first alternate use is also TransTape related but probably not what you're expecting.

You can use it to help get rid of that annoying, sticky residue!
Pair it up with a good facial scrubber and the residue doesn't stand a chance.
If I had to guess why it works for this, I would have to say it's probably due to the coconut oil base in the salve.
When oil comes in contact with the adhesive, it starts breaking down the formed bond between the skin and tape. This is why if you shower and wash with oil based products near your tape, you may experience shorter application lengths or difficulty getting the tape to stick.
And also why the official removal oil contains pure jojoba oil!
Tattoo Care
Next up on why you should consider purchasing the largest tub of healing salve possible, you can use it on healing or fully healed tattoos!
I love tattoos.

Every time I get a new tattoo, I give it a day or two of the basic soap and water treatment but after that I like to use TransTape's repairing salve.
I wait a couple days before applying the salve because you should never apply it to any open wounds. Always wait for your skin to heal over before applying.
After my skin is healed over and closed up, I apply the salve like I would apply any tattoo balm and let it work its magic.
My tattoos have all healed up nicely since using the salve for aftercare and I even like to rub it on my old ones when I think about it, too.
It helps keep my skin healthy and, maybe it's just all in my head, I feel like it heals the tattoos better than any other stuff I've rubbed on them.
Lip Balm

So you may not believe me on this last one, but that's okay.
You can use it as a lip balm too!
Like ChapStick or your favorite Burt's Bees!
Healing salve comes in 3 sizes, one size being a solid, hefty .5 oz.
This is so that you can easily carry it on the go! Perfect for your pocket, purse or dopp kit!
If you're someone who likes to carry lip balm, this could be a great all natural option for you that doubles as a quick fix for irritated skin.
Or an on-the-go tattoo enthusiast who constantly has new and healing tattoos.
Is That ALL?
Or at least that's all I know as of June 12th, 2023.
We should all take care of our skin, whether or not you use TransTape.
Assuming you or someone you know uses TransTape, because you're reading this, you should really be sure to take care of your skin and practice healthy aftercare.
Healthy aftercare would of course begin with a proper removal using skin safe oil like jojoba, olive or coconut.
After removal, I would also recommend rubbing in a little extra oil to help rehydrate your skin.
After the oil absorbs, you can apply your healing salve to any red or affected areas on your skin on top of the oil.
And don't be shy about it, lather it on!

But don't forget, not all care is physical.
It's also important to practice mental, or spiritual, self-care!
This could mean playing your favorite movie soundtrack in the background, meditating before or after, listening to your favorite podcast or maybe it's speaking affirmations into the mirror. There is no wrong answer!
More often than not, we are handling parts of our body that may make us feel uncomfortable.
And that's okay, I completely understand!
I apply TransTape because it helps alleviate some not-so wonderful, or dysphoric, feelings about my chest.
So naturally, after I remove my tape, I'm once again confronted with a part of my body that is far from my favorite.
It's not always easy and that's okay. You're not alone, I promise!
Taking care of yourself, mentally and physically, should always be a priority.
So try planning ahead so you can take a little extra time, apply removal oil, apply healing salve like you mean it, light a scented candle and eat your favorite meal afterwards.
Treat yourself for being yourself.
Until next time,
Stay awesome,
Stay beautiful,
Stay you.
You are loved and it gets better.
Talk to you soon,

Welcome to the cool kids club!
My name is Jamie and I'm a young (ish) transman born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York state. I started my transition in May of 2017 and since then, I've made it my mission to live unapologetically as myself and spread awareness through my pursuit of happiness. I am the creator and writer of Spilling T blog, a proud affiliate of TransTape and when I'm not outside with the best dog ever or hanging out with my two cats, I make and sell my own beard care products through Buckaroo's Beard Care. I'm always looking for my next adventure and have been skydiving, road-tripping, hiking in the mountains and even served for a short time in the United States Marine Corps. My life has had its fair share of twists and turns and I hope to use those experiences to create helpful and relatable content that may help someone else navigate a difficult time in life.
Beards, Socials, Tape and Writing
Use code FINALLYME10 and Find Your Freedom with TransTape!
Actually, that’s not all! I find it useful for after washing my hands now and then, since I have sensitive skin, and the soap just leaves it super angry, dry, and irritated. Clears it up quickly. This might help others who also have this problem with handwashing. Seems to help with eczema as well. For me, it could be just dry skin, could be eczema, but it’s helpful here, too! The repairing salve is quite a hefty tool in my toolbox now! I’ve been called a walking encyclopedia before, but I’m sure someone will call me a walking toolbox soon!